How To Make Your Shoes Waterproof

Waterproofing your shoes is a great way to protect them from the elements and extend their life. There are a few different ways to waterproof your shoes, depending on the material they're made of. You can use a waterproofing spray, a beeswax treatment, or even petroleum jelly! Whichever method you choose, make sure to follow the instructions carefully so that your shoes are properly protected.

Choose the right waterproofing spray.

When selecting a waterproofing spray, be sure to choose one that is made for the specific type of shoe you have. For example, if you have leather shoes, you will want to use a waterproofing spray that is made for leather. Most waterproofing sprays will work on all types of shoes, but it is always best to check the label to be sure. Once you have chosen the right spray, be sure to follow the instructions on the label. This will ensure that your shoes are properly waterproofed.

Spray the shoes evenly, inside and out.

You'll need to purchase a waterproofing spray designed for the type of shoe you're treating. Suede and nubuck shoes require a different kind of spray than leather or fabric shoes. Once you've got the right kind of spray, clean your shoes thoroughly, inside and out, with a damp cloth. Then, remove the laces (if any) and stuff the shoes with newspaper to help them keep their shape while you're spraying them. Next, hold the can about 6 inches away from the shoes and spray them evenly, inside and out. Let the shoes dry completely before wearing them.

Let the shoes dry completely before wearing them.

The best way to waterproof your shoes is to use a waterproofing spray. You can find these at most sporting goods stores. Spray the shoes evenly, making sure to get into all the nooks and crannies. Let the shoes dry completely before wearing them. If you are going to be wearing them in wet conditions, it's a good idea to treat them periodically with the waterproofing spray.

Repeat the process as needed.

Waterproofing your shoes is a simple process that only requires a few supplies. First, clean your shoes with a mild soap and let them dry completely. Next, apply a waterproofing spray or cream to the shoes, making sure to cover all of the seams. Let the shoes dry for at least 24 hours before wearing them. Repeat the process as needed to keep your shoes waterproof.